Varicose veins: photo, in the initial stage, the causes and methods of treatment

Varicose veins on the legs – one of the biggest ills of the XXI century. A sedentary way of life, the eternal rush, the lack of response to signals of the body leads to serious health problems.

Varicose disease (or-national large varicose veins) – swelling under the skin of the peripheral veins due to stagnation of blood. Swollen veins are dark blue, then purple. Later formed ulcers, blood clots, man is plagued with severe pain in the legs. How to deal with a serious problem? Let's understand.

What are varicose veins

varicose veins-legs

Vascular pathology is known for thousands of years. Even the ancient egyptian texts contain references to an insidious disease. Pathology develops when the wrong into the blood stream in the peripheral vessels.

Medical aspects of the disease:

  • when congenital weakness of the inflammation of the walls, under the influence of harmful factors of the valves push the blood, they cease to function properly;
  • outflow of blood is disturbed, the formed clots, blood clots, increased venous pressure;
  • the excess of the blood failed to pass through the gap accumulates, the stretch of the blood vessel;
  • the exterior walls move up closer to the surface of the epidermis, for this reason they are well visible under the skin;
  • the more clots, and the affected sites, the more obstacles to the normal flow of blood;
  • veins "curl", they lose their normal appearance. In the later stages of the vessels are similar to blue or dark purple thick rope.

Most often the veins swell on the feet due to the high load on them and the smallest mobility during the "sitting" or "standing" job. Varicose veins affects people of different social status.

Many consider this pathology a professional disease. Threatens to make bloating of the peripheral veins:

  • hair stylists;
  • staff IT-sphere;
  • sellers;
  • military;
  • drivers and more.

The causes of

After numerous studies, researchers have found the factors inducing flatulence veins, disorders of blood circulation, the emergence of pain, distress, weakness in the legs.

photo-varicose veins

The main reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • overweight;
  • heredity. In the parents were weak vein? The likelihood of developing the same disease in children reaches up to 70%;
  • congenital weakness of the connective tissue;
  • tightening the rubber socks or stockings.

Other factors that cause venous stasis:

  • long-term work at the computer;
  • the lack of movement;
  • habit of sitting, throw your leg over the leg;
  • it is necessary to perform a longer period of time "on your feet";
  • hormonal disruptions. The greatest danger lurking women in pregnancy, after the onset of menopause;
  • high heels. The constant walking in stilettos is a serious burden on the veins;
  • frequent lifting, carrying weights;
  • unhealthy diet, excess heavy, fatty foods, lack of vegetables.

The first signs and symptoms of

Recognize varicose veins are relatively simple. It is only important to heed the signals, which increasingly sends the body. When the wrong way of life, the unwillingness to dedicate yourself a little time, the disease develops very quickly.

Often affects the veins:

  • on the feet;
  • in the rectum;
  • in a small saucepan.

Much less frequently swell of vienna:

  • of the esophagus;
  • seed cable.

The main symptoms of varicose veins:

  • painful sensations, heaviness in the legs, swelling at the end of the day;
  • a feeling of burning, warmth, filling of veins;
  • gradually, the unpleasant feelings appear not only after a working day or after heavy physical exertion;
  • at night man is plagued with cramps in the legs;
  • sometimes the symptoms of varicose veins appear just below the knee or on the back side of the leg;
  • sometimes appears "dull" the pain, the incomprehensible severity, a touch on the skin cause pain;
  • the blood vessels gradually dilate, darken, still more to show through under the skin;
  • they are made up of "vascular asterisks", vienna thicken, bent, it is easy to feel;
  • the swelling spreads to the ankle, the lower part of the limbs, sometimes swell and legs;
  • after walking a person quickly tired legs "tweet", there is muscle weakness.
the expansion of the veins

Important! Signs of early stage of varicose veins quite a few. Why people delay a visit to the doctor? One does not have enough money for treatment, the other – time, third wish. Sometimes combining all the factors.

The Absence of treatment causes progression of the disease:

  • skin veil in the area of the shin timbre, they become denser;
  • when hard to form long opened the healing of ulcers;
  • deteriorating nutrition of the epidermis, the skin becomes drier, wrinkled.

Stage of exacerbation:

  • unbearable pain in my feet at different times of the day;
  • general weakness;
  • an increase in temperature;
  • sometimes when you break the inflammation of the plexus to open the bleeding. This phenomenon is often observed at night.

Possible complications

What happens if the negligent act to the treatment and prevention of varicose veins peripheral vessels? Advanced cases bring a lot of suffering patients. Develop serious complications.

The most dangerous possibility – impossibility of normal blood flow, the development of gangrene, amputation of the limb (her). Think!

The most common complications:

  • thrombophlebitis in the acute phase;
  • phlebothrombosis;
  • trophic ulcer;
  • bleeding from the affected nodes.

General advice and rules of treatment

How to treat varicose veins? The success of therapy depends primarily on the relationship of the patient on the basis of the recommendations of the doctor. Without the help of an experienced phlebologist can not do. It's a relatively rare specialty, try to find a good doctor.

Tune in for a longer treatment. Back veins health more difficult to remove than the manifestations of varicose disease.

varicose veins-enlargement of veins

Remember the basic rules:

  • move more. Fight with venous stagnation of you morning gymnastics, walking, cycling, swimming;
  • try to get rid of those extra pounds;
  • discard the hard physical exertion, strength exercises, running, jumping;
  • in the initial stage of wear the compression stockings are special elastic bandages;
  • more often let's your feet rest, lifting the feet with the help of low cushions;
  • excellent "speeds up" the blood and simple exercise. Lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, to mimic the ride on the bike within a minute-two.

Important! Change the diet. Healthy blood vessels in those who eat the vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits, dairy products, bread from whole grain flour, drinking plenty of fluids. Fatty, salty, smoked food, plenty of bread, cheap pasta, reduces vascular tone, increases the risk of thrombosis.

Listen to and these tips:

  • during prolonged stay on their feet at the options sit. Before starting work, in the break apply on your feet refreshing gel, ointment against varicose disease. Products removes the imminent swelling, improve blood circulation;
  • in the specialties associated with the work at the computer or driving your vehicle, every hour get up, walk around the room. According to options more out of the car. So you advance not only varicose veins but hemorrhoids;
  • remember: spend the whole day in a standing position, even in high-heeled shoes – a very harmful. If the work suits you, be sure to go on a rest for the feet. Cancel at least 10 minutes buttons, sit or go barefoot. Otherwise yo will turn out ugly veins, diseases, it is necessary to completely forget about the beautiful shoes and heels;
  • during pregnancy wear special shoe covers, soysoy pressure on the vascular system. On the recommendation of the doctor use special elastic stockings reduces venous stasis.
prick-from-varicose veins

Folk remedies and recipes

The initial stage of varicose disease successfully treats homemade ointments, poultices, creams, and other remedies with natural products and medicinal herbs. It is the most important of all – the desire of the patient, the regularity of the procedures.

Treatment of varicose veins folk remedies in the household. Proven recipes:

  • socks trays. Relieve fatigue after a busy day, reduce swelling, help you adding the water sea salt, decoctions of chamomile, mint, succession, yarrow. The tone of the blood vessels few drops of essential oil of geranium, lemon, peppermint, rosemary. Duration of procedure – 30 minutes. The water should be warm, closer to cold;
  • compresses with a decoction of sage, yarrow, chamomile, calendula, peppermint. Of all the herbs, take 1 tbsp, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Insist 40 minutes, strain. Wet a gauze, attach to the tired legs. Change compresses 2-3 times at least drying out of the liquid;
  • tincture of the flowers of the lilac and chestnut trees. Gather fresh colors, fold into a l bank in 2 station al of each type of raw materials, pour a good vodka. Insist 2 weeks in the dark. Every day, several times a day to wipe the feet of the medicinal tincture;
  • tomato from varicose veins. The juicy pulp of the tomato is the substance lycopene, hardening of blood vessels. Loop the tomatoes through a meat grinder, put the mass on gauze, wrap sore feet. Keep a couple of hours, no less. Simple way: cut the tomatoes, wipe the halves of the leg from top to bottom. Well treat varicose nodules. Half an hour later – an hour you will feel relief;
  • apple cider extract. Need a degree of "antonovka". Cut four large apple, pour a liter of boiling water, wrap the pan. Over 4 hours the infusion is ready. Mash the fruit. In the morning and evening to consume 1/3 cup of infusion with a teaspoon of honey.

Modern procedures

Mild and advanced cases are treated using the latest methods. Effective:

  • microflebractomy (affected veins are removed through punctures in the skin cover);
  • sclerotherapy (diseased blood vessels treated by the introduction of special products);
  • laser (removal of damaged areas and treatment of varicose veins laser treatment);
  • thermocoagulation (during the procedure, cleanse the vascular mesh).

Preventive recommendations

Doctor's recommendation:

  • long sitting or not, stop in during the working day;
  • regularly sit down or, on the contrary, get up and walk;
  • attention to the power supply;
  • monitor weight;
  • do not wear still high heels;
  • how can less often lifting weights;
  • strengthen the elasticity of blood vessels and moderate physical activity, water procedures;
  • take vitamin preparations;
  • when tired legs every night make the toning trays with useful substances;
  • clean the blood using the natural products.