Varicose veins of small pelvis

Enough the most common diagnosis in medical practice has recently become varicose veins of small pelvis, and occurs both in men and women. However, statistics indicate that women are faced with this problem more often of the opposite sex. Varicose veins veins the pelvic exposed to all ages of women, but with increasing age, the proportion grows and the risk of developing this disease. In the reproductive age varicose veins blood vessels of small pelvis can be detected in 15-20% of women in menopause is diagnosed in 75-80% of patients. In men the initial symptoms of varicose veins in the area of small pelvis, is most often manifested in the period from 12 to 30 years.



The development of this disease contributes a certain number of reasons. Some of them are dependent on heredity and overall health, while others are the result of lifestyle and habits. Factors, provoking the emergence of varicose veins of pelvic is used:

  • pathological enlargement of the veins of the rectum and lower extremities;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • congenital weakness of the connective tissue and inflammation of the vascular walls;
  • the development of tumors, tumors and hernias in the urogenital system;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in the chronic form;
  • a sedentary way of life and static sports;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • forced prolonged sitting or standing;
  • lack of regular sexual life;
  • nervous disorders and frequent sleep;
  • an unhealthy diet and being overweight;
  • harmful habits.

Depending on the sex of the above list is complemented by those or other factors. For example, in men, this factor may become the user property of the structure of the blood vessels of the genital organs. This pathology is called varicocele – enlargement of the veins of seed cord. Due to the characteristics of the male anatomy, it can be said that the more often the disease is localized from the left side.

Features of the development of varicose veins of small pelvis in women (female varicocele) are caused by the presence of the following risk factors:

  1. inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  2. mechanical squeezing the veins are dilated, the uterus;
  3. sexual disorders (discomfort during sexual intercourse and anorgasmia);
  4. abundant and multiple pregnancy;
  5. numerous and difficult birth;
  6. changes in hormonal levels;
  7. hormonal replacement therapy and contraception.

It is worth noting that despite the great prevalence of varicose veins of the pelvic little studied, and there are probably other reasons for its occurrence.


Symptoms of varicose veins of small pelvis in the early stages of development of the disease not manifest itself. In male patients it has symptoms that most often can only be detected using the method of palpation, ultrasound, functional samples and physical survey. Only when the degree of lesion of a vein considerably high, varicose veins can manifest deformity of the sexual organ and severe pain even at rest.

varicose veins of small pelvis

In patients of both sexes pain with varicose veins of small pelvis, begin to observe the progressive development of pathological changes in the blood vessels and the deterioration of the outflow of blood. Localized are in the lower part of the abdomen, and are of varying intensity, most patients note a gnawing and nagging pain, which give in the sacro-lumbar zone. Arise or become more visible when walking after a long static and dynamic loads.

For varicose veins of small pelvis in women symptoms, wear a more pronounced character than in men:

  1. the pain of the crisis on the lower part of the abdomen spreading to the area of the perineum and zoom, as usual, after a long stay in the standing or sitting; in the first days of menstruation; after hypothermia;
  2. unpleasant sensations in the genitals and the small pelvis during sexual intercourse and after a while after him ;
  3. a pronounced premenstrual syndrome;
  4. the failure of menstruation (dysmenorrhea): an increase in the length and abundance of menstruation;
  5. increased secretion of the secretion of the external genital organs;
  6. venous nodes in the groin;
  7. special sensitivity zone of the crotch;
  8. dysfunction of urination.


Pregnancy – it is a kind of indicator of the health of the woman. Many diseases, taking the place of the asymptomatic, manifest in the period of bearing the fetus.

During pregnancy, a rapidly growing uterus takes up more and more space in a small saucepan. At the end of the third trimester reaches a maximum of possible sizes and compresses other organs, a pinch of venous blood vessels. Their walls, due to reduced tone of the uterus, in this period significantly weaker than usual. This physiological process is harmful to health, and pregnancy can be complicated ruptured veins, bleeding. And the postpartum period anemia and painful feelings, leading to problems with veins.

When fetal growth is the outflow of blood from the uterus grows to approximately 15-20 times, and valve device of the blood vessels in the uterine cavity is not always with it and cope. A violation of the unidirectional flow of blood, causing venous stasis and inflammatory process. Blood flow starts to perform a lengthy journey, during which take advantage of weak small blood vessels of the pelvic. This leads to more than the blood, and, as a result, it will appear varicose veins of small pelvis. It is not excluded, that after the birth can occur in the reverse process, and this disease will recede.

Due to the violation of blood flow through the varicose veins of small pelvis leads to a lack of oxygen flowing to the child. Developing hypoxia of the fetus, sometimes it serves as a pretext for conducting a cesarean section.

During pregnancy it is particularly important not to confuse the varicose veins of the uterus and a small pelvis. To determine the exact disease you not only the examination, based on the methods with a high level of diagnostic options: ultrasound examination (ULTRASONOGRAPHY), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In this period of life women prefer ULTRASOUND and MRI, because the CT scan means radiation radiation. MRI is absolutely safe, but it is not recommended in the first trimester. Testimony to the implementation of MRI for varicose veins of the small pelvis, are the results of the ULTRASOUND.

During pregnancy to treat large varicose veins of small pelvis may be using a method only conservative therapy. So get rid of completely from the disease will possible after the birth. In very critical situations is resorting to the operating intervention. Then use minimally invasive methods – radio frequency and laser as precipitation.

In the treatment without surgery, all the recommendations essentially relate to the adjustment of life style:

  • to increase physical activity. Carry out hiking at least two hours a day, with optional choices of rest;
  • ruled out lifting weights;
  • it is necessary to stick to a diet that includes foods rich in fiber (cereals, berries and fruits, vegetables) and with a high content of beneficial fats;
  • take a contrast shower, is a welcome entry to the swimming pool;
  • from the second trimester it is mandatory to wear the designated type of compression of the knitted fabric or prenatal bandage;
  • better to sleep on the side with slightly elevated legs;
  • exercises breathing and gymnastics.

When there is an imminent threat of premature birth, treatment is carried out stationary, under nonstop the auspices of the medical staff.


For varicose veins the pelvic treatment consists of therapy, various medicines and a special gym for a workout.

The application of drugs essential in the acute period of the flow of the disease. The main active ingredients are: diosmin, hesperidin, troxerutin, pentoxifylline. Vitamin complexes and pills, which contain juice, extracts and vegetable oils as well give you a slight improvement in the condition of the patient.

Pregnant women doctors are trying to assign resources (in the varicose veins of small pelvis), exclusively based on natural ingredients: extract of horse chestnut, green tea extract, vitamins, oils, etc. Then there are those drugs, which can be fewer side of action. Often the attending physician, with the aim of the complex therapy gives another direction to the physiotherapy or medical gymnastics.

Gymnastic exercises for varicose veins of small pelvis have a wide spectrum of action. They are the main method of treatment, which also has a preventive meaning. Exercise uses the back muscles, the peritoneum and the pelvis and hips, a positive effect on improving the flow of blood. With regard to the possible intensity of the load, in particular health, work, at work and at home, it is possible to pick up an acceptable summary of the exercise.

Exercises for at home may include the following equipment:

  • the exercise "Bike": the rotation of legs, lying down on his back. 15-20 approaches;
  • the exercise "pulling Up to the knee": raise the knee to your chest, directing the socks up, fix this position for a few seconds. 10 approaches on each leg;
  • exercise "Scissors": in supine position, hold your hands along the body, legs straight, socks strung from each other, with alternate crossed legs. 15 approaches;
  • exercise "Candle": the head, neck and shoulders are on the floor, the body must be fixed in an upright position, the back can be hold the hands, to perform 5-7 minutes;
  • exercises on flexibility of the back: the dependence must be on hands and knees, first bend, then straighten the back. 10 approaches.

At work, for example, it is possible to perform the following set of exercises:

  • force and straightening of the toes;
  • the circular rotation of the legs in the sitting position, 10 times;
  • alternative ringtone transfer the weight of the body, then on one leg, then the other.

In the initial stages of the flow of the disease to complement the treatment of varicose veins of pelvic possible folk remedies. To them belongs the adoption of tonic baths, eat anti-inflammatory herbal extracts and contributes to hematopoiesis decoctions.

Most of the funds it is easy to prepare at home. Preferences in the treatment of disease is given by: the fruit and the colors of the horse chestnut, birch chaga, dandelion roots, flowers daisies.

A special place in the treatment takes prevention:

  • adherence to a healthy lifestyle (quitting smoking cigarettes and drinking alcoholic beverages);
  • mode of nutrition (food intake, small meals 5 times a day at regular intervals);
  • the optimal ratio of the load and rest;
  • sexual life after varicose veins of small pelvis should be moderate;
  • regular monitoring of indicators of blood;
  • a visit to the phlebologist.

After recovery from the disease, the patient experiences the improvement of not only physical, but also emotional condition.

exercises for varicose veins