What are they afraid of varicosity: effective folk methods of treatment

The use of synthetic drugs for the treatment of any disease, including varicose expansion of veins, always leads to some unpleasant consequences. And here is the treatment of varicosity folk remedies, if it is not safe at 100%, side effects of the folk medicine is significantly lower than the negative impact of медикаментозных drugs.

Yes, and the cost of people's treatment several times less. This is the reason why folk remedies the treatment of varicosity, to date, have not lost their importance and are widely used by people.

varicose veins treatment folk

When it is necessary to understand that such treatment is most effective in the early stages of development of the disease (the formation of vascular сеточки and a feeling of heaviness in the legs), and least effectively in advanced cases, when you can just surgery. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor their well-being and at the first symptoms to see a doctor to confirm their suspicions.

The stagnant phenomena, which lead to varicose expansion of veins, usually first affecting the lower limbs, therefore, recipes folk remedies of the varicosity the legs are the most in demand in the population. Let's in detail we will focus on the basic recipes of folk medicine.

Old recipes for ointments from the varicosity

All the folk of the ointment from the varicosity prepared on the basis of vegetable oil, often olive, due to the high content of arachidonic acid. To the mixture to thicken, in the old recipes recommend adding to the ointment melted fat of animals. The process of preparing these mixtures is quite simple.

Tincture of varicosity

No less popular and the various decoctions of the varicosity, which cook much easier, but much longer. The basis of all the herbal extracts is included to vodka, so if on foot, there are areas with broken skin, then from such a treatment it is worth it to abstain.

The most effective is considered a tincture kalanchoe, it is often added to the white acacia or окопник in a ratio of 1:1. Prepare as an infusion in the following way: the leaves of medicinal plants finely шинкуют, высыпают into a glass, pour vodka and put the settle in the course of the 10-14 days in a dark place.

Ready infusion will be necessary to rub into the skin of the legs from the feet to the tribe for a period of 3 months, twice a day.

varicose veins treatment folk oil

Apple cider vinegar in the treatment of varicosity as a means number 1

Treatment of varicosity vinegar is a very popular and effective method in the fight with the suffering. Apple cider vinegar helps in the treatment of varicosity, therefore, that in its composition includes more than 20 minerals and trace elements, necessary containers, as well as vitamins C, a, In, which allows you to while his regular use to achieve:

  • increase the skin tone;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • the removal of edema;
  • the improvement of blood circulation.

However, everything is achievable only in case if it is to treat used natural product, made from freshly squeezed juices and not from the skin, as do the producers of this kind of vinegar.

What oil cures varicosity?

Along with creams, infusions and vinegar are widely used and various essential oils. In the treatment of varicosity most commonly used oils: castor, black cumin, sandalwood, garlic, flax and more.

Essential oils against varicosity usually use 2 ways:

  1. Add a few drops of 2-3 different oils in the tub with warm water, which should be taken every day in the evening.
  2. Are added to massage cream or massage oil and gentle movements from the ankles to the hip rubbed in the area with пораженными венами.

Such use of oil allows not only to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, but also relieve swelling in the lower extremities.

varicose veins treatment folk прополисом

Apitherapy, прополис, bee and sample and of honey in the treatment of varicosity

Treatment of varicosity bees has a long history and not surprisingly, if go into depth about the composition and contribution of various products of beekeeping, whether it's a poison, and sample, прополис or honey. All of these recipes are pretty good and effective, but is not always available to the city.

The easiest to get the honey. Treatment of varicosity honey takes place in the following manner: on the canvas, spread a layer of honey and give it to the inflamed veins, обматывают the top with plastic wrap and perpetuated by бинта. In the first day of this treatment a compress holding on to the leg 2 hours, second day - 3, the third 4 and further compress with honey, leave it on all night. Duration of the course медовой of treatment is usually 2-3 weeks.

Help whether the tomatoes in the treatment of varicosity?

For the treatment of varicose expansion of the veins are not used no tomatoes, but only the unripe green.

Treatment of varicosity green tomatoes quite simple and is as follows: tomatoes cut in half, 1 soul mate put the flesh of the inflamed vein and holds it until the not feel a burning sensation. Tomato pulling back, stretch the skin is washed with cold water. Then on the leg applied soulmate, tomato, and so repeat 4 times. In everyday use of the green tomato against varicose expansion of veins, after 3 weeks, it is possible to observe the fading and softening of the inflammation of the nodes.

Treatment of varicosity nutmeg

Nutmeg in the treatment of varicosity is applied due to its properties to stimulate the process of blood circulation and reduce the inflammation of the veins. Preparing a drug of the nutmeg as follows: whole grain nuts натирают on a grater or ground in a coffee grinder, 1/3 teaspoon of powder is poured a glass of boiling water, остужают to room temperature, add a teaspoon of honey and insist 20 minutes.

Drink this decoction is to be in the morning before breakfast. It is important to make each day a freshly prepared serving of powder. Otherwise, essential oils выветрятся, and the drink will lose the healing properties.

There is another recipe using nutmeg: 200 grams of grated nutmeg is primed литром of vodka and insist 10 days, then taking three times a day 20 drops for a period of three months.

varicose veins treatment folk cabbage

Cabbage will help in the treatment of varicosity

Even from ancient times, doctors have used капустные leaves to reduce inflammation. And not surprisingly, if you look at how many vitamins and trace elements is contained in the leaves белокочанной cabbage. Cabbage leaves in the treatment of varicose expansion of veins are used as a compress.

A compress is done as follows: a leaf of cabbage раскатывается roller or отбивается, then one side is smeared with vegetable oil and прикладывается inflamed vienna, top cabbage leaf seal бинтом and leave for the day. The following day repeat the procedure, and so 30 times.

Ginger in the treatment of varicosity

Ginger for varicose expansion of veins can be used as a means for indoor or for outdoor use. So tea from ginger is a good means not only for the prevention of inflammation of the veins, but also the treatment of the disease in any stage of its manifestation. To prepare this tea is very simple: just cut off from the root of a small round slice of ginger, pour boiling water, let stand 15 minutes. It should be noted that in addition to the normalization of blood circulation, this drink has a beneficial effect on the metabolism, so drink ginger is especially useful for those who have problems with венами have emerged as a result of excess weight.

A compress of ginger is carried out as follows: the root gently rubs, mixed with honey and прикладывается inflamed vienna on 3-4 hours. For the amplification effect is recommended обмотать feet in something warm.

varicose veins treatment folk ginger

Useful properties of viburnum in the treatment of varicosity

As well as ginger, калину can be used as a compress or as a beverage with vitamins. In the first case, the patient will have to take fresh fruits of viburnum, grind them up into a state of suspension, put the mixture on тряпочку, is to attach to the land the skin becomes inflamed vienna and fasten with бинта. Such a compress is best done before bedtime and leave overnight.

Drink from viburnum, in its essence with the juice, mixed with honey in the ratio of 2 tablespoons of honey, 500 ml of juice. Drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day for one and a half months.

Events pumpkins in the treatment of varicosity

Everyone knows that pumpkin is a very useful product, it contains many vitamins and trace elements. For the treatment of varicose expansion of veins is used the inner pulp, pre-liberated from seeds. This fiber would totally grate the limb with problem венами yourself, wrap something warm and leave overnight. The rest of the porridge can be stored in the refrigerator.

Because the effect of the pumpkin, compresses are very mild, then when using this method of treatment it is necessary to have patience.

varicose veins treatment folk adam's apple

Adam's apple in the treatment of varicosity

Adam's apple for the treatment of varicosity is used in the form of an ointment, which is prepared as follows: is taken to the glass bank, which is filled with a layer of adipi thickness of 15 mm, then through adipi нарезается slices of fruit de marcus tullius (adam's apple) a layer of 10 mm, then again a layer of adipi and so on, until the bank is full. It is important to turned out to be the last layer adipi. After the bank will be filled, putting on a steam bath or in the oven on a slow fire for the night (not to cook), after which filter it, остужают and rub in 1-2 times during the day on problem areas.

varicosity very afraid of a lemon

Lemon therapeutic purposes it is possible to use both internally and externally, in the form of pain medication of compresses. To prepare such a compress is easy. Uses lemon, нарезается кружочками, прикладывается to the inflamed site-specific and обматывается бинтом or the compressor paper. Wear a compress should be for the whole day, 2-3 times replacing the lemon fresh.

Lemon juice cleanses the blood vessels and increases the elasticity of their walls, so this citrus it pays to include in your diet everybody who has problems with венами or wants to prevent their occurrence.

One of the most effective medicines folk medicine against inflammation of the veins is considered to be the next: 6 lemons to clean from the skin and выжимают of them juice, powder 5 cloves of garlic and 3 листочка of the golden mouth, add 2 cups of honey and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture is let настаиваться in a glass container, for a period of 1 week in a dark place. This drug is applied for 4 hr. l. once a day during the month.

Treatment of varicosity potatoes

Potatoes in the treatment of varicosity is used in the form of poultices prepared from the tubers of this plant.

Taken a few tubers of potatoes, washed and cleaned from the skin, then it is necessary to rub on a grater and save a layer of 1 cm on the inflamed veins. On top of a layer of potatoes обматывается about 8 layers of gauze, that top to also impregnated with the juice of the potato. To keep such a compress should be at least 4 hours, when it is important, to for it was used fresh rubbed with, and no old potatoes.

varicose veins treatment folk мумие

Мумие in the treatment of varicosity

Мумие in varicosity apply thanks to its properties to shrink застои and tumors. Especially well helps ointment from мумие in the early stages of development of the disease. It created such an ointment as follows: to 5 parts vaseline is given by 1 pc Altai resin, all thoroughly mixed and rubbed soft and smooth movements three times a day in places with inflamed венами. Wash off the remnants of the ointment is possible, no earlier than one hour from the moment of his applying.

Also мумие can be used on the inside: a small piece of resin mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey and milk and выпивается twice a day during the month.

It is used, whether it is fish oil at a varicosity?

Fish oil is basically applied inside, it helps to normalize the metabolism and reduce weight, is one of the main reasons for the stagnation in the veins. However, there is another use of fish oil.

Taken fish oil and may honey in a 1:1 ratio and stirred until a homogeneous mass. The resulting ointment is applied on the linen cloth, wrapped her injured limb and leave for the night.

Onions from the varicosity

The greatest influence in the varicosity has, is not in itself an onion, and his pod. Peel the onion from the varicosity use in different recipes.

  • 2 tablespoons of chopped peel pour 100 ml of vodka and insist in the course of the 7 days, then tincture filter it and take 20 drops three times a day 15 minutes before meals.
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped peel pour 2 cups of boiling water, to insist, under cover for 6 hours, filter it, and three times a day to drink a quarter cup before meals after one and a half weeks.

Treatment of varicosity garlic

Garlic in the varicosity recommend to apply as a compress, which is prepared as follows: is taken the garlic with a white husk and crush, then add the butter in a ratio of 1:2. Adopted the ointment before going to bed to lubricate the inflamed vein and is wrapped from top to permanent paper or бинтом. In the morning the remnants of the ointment off. The procedure should be repeated every day for several weeks.

It is possible to treat varicosity salt?

Salt in the varicosity is used for ванночек or saline повязок. It is believed that it is better to use sea salt. Her bred with water to obtain a liquid suspension. This pulp and use for saline повязок. Saline dressing in the varicosity is necessary to change several times a day, выдерживая each no more than 4 hours.

In some recipes солевую porridge recommend to cool in the fridge until zero temperature, make a compress on the wound and hold until the salt is not нагреется, and then its remnants to remove from the skin to avoid irritation.

The effect of treatment of varicosity солевыми bandages usually comes over a month since the beginning of the treatment.

Treatment of varicosity and soda

Use the soda from the varicosity recommended even Zalmanov. According to his recipe, for a greater capacity of poured lukewarm water and dissolve in 200 g of baking soda and 70 g of alum. Everything is carefully mixed until complete dissolution, then the legs are placed in a container with water. The duration of such baths should be about 15 minutes. The course of treatment these ножными ванночками random: 2 day after 1 for a period of two weeks.

In the event that the disease is highly взобралась on your feet, then it is possible to apply a bath with baking soda, to the more concentrated solution is not worth it. After such a bath the body, to wipe off, and wrapped a towel into the ring.