Symptoms of varicose veins of small pelvis and preventive measures

Varicose veins of small pelvis, or a syndrome of chronic pelvic pain is still an exotic disease with a fuzzy диагностическими the border for many doctors.

It explains that some doctors after a long period of time, "does not notice" this disease in their patients, while others put this diagnosis almost every second person, who, since returning unexplained abdominal pain.

Meanwhile, since early detection varicosity of the pelvic veins depends largely on the quality of the future life of the patient, his ability to enjoy the intimate side of a relationship with a loved one and the opportunity to continue their lineage.

The phenomenon of chronic pelvic pain is a known medicine for a long time. But only relatively recently, that has become known as most likely the reason for varicose veins of small pelvis. This disease was first described in 1975 and is still being researched, is not well.

varicose veins of the pelvis

It is most likely that this pathology develops the following algorithm:

  1. Венозное plexus in the small frying pan is a comprehensive education, which includes both the large vascular trunks, so отходящие from them the smaller veins. In this venous system in a small basin at women and men differ in their structure, which encourages sexual specification of the disease – much more common it is for the fairer sex.
  2. Due to compression of blood vessels, complete or partial blockage of the venous bloodstream, it changes the tone of the vascular wall is disrupted blood flow in the deep pelvic veins.
  3. In the result of the vienna cease to perform their functions in full: progresses with inflammation of the kidney valves and disrupted the normal flow of blood.
  4. In pelvic veins are starting to stagnant phenomena, associated with the opposite забросом blood on the blood vessels – this causes expansion of veins and the development of varicosity.
Symptoms of varicose veins (varicosity) of the veins of the internal organs of small pelvis are significantly more likely to occur in women of reproductive age than in men. In this more likely to suffer from овариальные vienna – in 85% of cases.

The leading symptom is pain, which is observed in more than 90% of patients. And here is the prevalence of this disease in the population has not yet выяснена: according to various studies, varies from 6 to 80%. Such a big difference in the "testimony" is only the lack of qualifications of the doctors-диагностов in establishing the diagnosis.

Causes and risk factors

Reasons pelvic varicosity, are any changes in the body, they can trigger a faulty mechanism of this disease:

Анатомо-physiological cause varicosity What can lead to
Mechanical pressure on the pelvic veins
  • inguinal hernia
  • a tumor in the small pelvis
  • an increase in pressure in the abdominal area due to constipation
  • pregnancy and childbirth
  • gynecological diseases (загиб of the uterus, cysts on the ovary)
The change tone of blood vessels
  • connective tissue diseases, in particular, his dysplasia
  • the stagnant phenomena in vessels of the pelvis, associated with неполноценной sex life
  • hereditary predisposition and the innate weakness inflammation of blood vessel walls
Blockage of the veins of the pelvis
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives
  • tendency to thrombosis
varicose veins of the pelvis symptoms

Factors increased risk of varicosity of the pelvis are:

  • heavy physical labor;
  • lack of regular or неудовлетворительная sexual life;
  • abuse in intimate life прерванным sexual intercourse;
  • a large number of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • common gynecological diseases;
  • contraception use of hormonal drugs;
  • hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • гиподинамия.

Classification and stage of varicosity

In the medical environment adopted the conditional distribution of varicosity of the pelvis according to the nature of the flow on the varicosity of the veins in the groin and the external genitalia (e.g., labia) and the syndrome of venous plethoras of small pelvis. This classification has no great practical importance, because in most cases, patients have found both of these forms at the same time, as inducing the formation of each other.

Also you can come across on the classification of the disease according to the первопричине of its occurrence. In this context, the varicosity of the pelvis is divided into:

  • primary – caused by non-compliant works by inflammation of the valves;
  • secondary – develops as a complication of existing inflammatory, gynecological or oncological diseases of internal organs.

There's also an attempt on the classification of this disease based on the extent выраженности pathology. In this context, to allocate 3 stage of of the pelvic varicosity:

Phase The characteristic features are affected by the vein
diameter (mm) localization
The first less than 5 whenever тазовое венозное plexus
The second from 6 to 10 the ovaries or uterus
The third more 10 total defeat of the veins of small pelvis

How dangerous, and whether the consequences of

This type of vascular pathology can not be called a deadly disease. Timely detected, it lends itself well to medical correction. But the whole problem lies in the fact that uncover it is not easy. In that play his role and the lack of изученность disease, and low awareness of the majority of doctors-диагностов.

varicose veins of the pelvis than a threat

Here and it turns out that patients years suffer from this disease without knowing it. And in their body, meanwhile, takes place a number of permanent changes:

  • varicosity progresses, the disease process is closed connecting the region – appears the expansion of the veins of the reproductive organs (for example, varicosity penis), perineum and lower limbs.
  • Appears the principle of the dysfunction of the internal genital organs, which can lead to infertility or the inability to issue of pregnancy in women.
  • On the background of the болевого syndrome develop a variety of psychoemotional disorders according to the type of neurasthenia.
  • Due to chronic pain, increasing the challenge during intimacy, a man may even give up sex.
  • The most rare and at the same time the most severe complications of pelvic varicosity considered to be thrombosis of the veins and тромбоэмболия lungs. They occur in about 5% of cases, but always deadly.


The characteristic symptoms of varicose veins and blood vessels of small pelvis, which require treatment to the doctor for treatment, include:

  • Chronic pain. Pain sensations are most often локализуются the lower part of the abdomen, sometimes "give" of the groin and поясницу. Are amplified in the second half of the menstrual cycle in women after sexual intercourse or prolonged standing on his feet.
  • Discharge from the genital tract. It's the typical "female" symptom. In this selection of the normal appearance and have no foreign odors. Ailing alarming is their unusually large number.
  • The external symptoms of the disease – vascular asterisks or the strengthening of the venous drawing on the hips, in the crotch – occurs in about half of the patients. In men can observe a slight expansion of the veins on the penis member.
  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle in women and urination disorders in patients of both sexes occurs rarely and is indicative of the running form of the disease.

When to consult with a doctor and to what?

The reason for the appeal to the doctors, can become any of the above symptoms. The delay in it cannot be, because to establish the real causes of the discomfort and indications of effective treatment subsides quite a few time.

Profile a specialist in this disease is a doctor-флеболог, but for women it's possible the initial visit to the gynecologist, who will confirm in the absence of related gynecological diseases.
varicose veins of the pelvis diagnosis


According to american researchers, in the early 2000s, only 2% of patients with varicosity of the pan to give the originally correct diagnosis. Sometimes the result of diagnostic errors is the removal of детородных organs in women, even if it was possible to avoid, if they would have used accurate methods of diagnosis of pelvic varicosity:

  • ULTRASOUND and Doppler study of the veins – gives the opportunity to have known varicosity;
  • Phlebography – инвазивное study, which allows high accuracy to determine the presence and degree of the disorder;
  • Laparoscopy is indispensable in differential diagnosis of varicosity of the pelvic from similar симптоматике gynecological diseases (endometriosis, uterine fibroids, кольпит).
  • Селективная variography – examination of the condition of the veins through the introduction of a contrast agent, is considered to be an objective diagnostic method.
  • Computed or magnetic resonance allows to clarify the details of the course of the disease and to distinguish it from other diseases, the relevant симптоматике (articular disease, Crohn's disease, etc.).

Methods of treatment

In the treatment of varicosity of the pelvis are given the following tasks:

  • normalize vascular tone;
  • improve the nutrition of the tissues;
  • prevent stagnant phenomena and possible complications.

Treatment of varicosity of the blood vessels of small pelvis and at the same time can go in several directions, when it is a surgical procedure, it is necessary only on the 3rd stage of the disease.

Therapeutic direction Specific actions
Therapy without medication
  • regular therapeutic physical education
  • adherence to the diet
  • contrasting water treatments
  • wear varicosity компрессионного underwear and tights
  • hirudotherapy
Medical therapy
  • analgesia nonsteroid anti-inflammatory means
  • label products for keeping venomous (phlebotonics, angioprotectors)
  • the use of products for the improvement of microcirculation of blood (Пентоксифиллин)
  • hormonal therapy when the need for correction of hormonal levels
  • symptomatic treatment of associated diseases
  • sclerotherapy – optimal method with the least amount of complications
  • phlebectomy – junction and the fallopian tubes inflammation of the plexuses
  • laser or radiofrequency coagulation – a modern minime psidium method
Treatment of folk ways the use of herbal remedia, on the basis of dandelions, chagas disease and horse chestnut
varicose veins of the pelvis prevention methods

Prognosis and prevention

Completely cure the varicose veins of small pelvis without surgery is almost impossible. With the help of conservative medicine can significantly alleviate and even eliminate most of the unpleasant symptoms and significantly reduce the risk of complications of the disease. The operation also does not give a hundred percent guarantee that the disease not coming back.

For addition, to prevent a relapse of the disease it is necessary to always follow the correct way of life:

  • ban on smoking;
  • do not use hormonal drugs uncontrollably;
  • more movement and less standing on your feet without moving;
  • adhere to the antisclerotic diet with plenty of fresh plant foods;
  • a day to carry out a complex of therapeutic gymnastic and breathing exercises for maintaining the health of blood vessels;
  • after the operation performed on the varicosity is necessary to wear a compression stocking and take a preventive dose prescribed by your doctor medication-venotonicos.

Тазовый varicosity – this is a hidden beach women's health, special disease-spirit, find out that it is difficult, and this is the reason to suffer from it, is quite real.

The main symptom of the disease – chronic pelvic pain, which can bother the patient for a long time and become a source to give up many pleasures of life. To tolerate such discomfort, and not turn to the doctor can not be!

Upon the occurrence of specific symptoms it is necessary to clearly understand that it is abnormal and immediately seek the help of an expert.