How to treat varicose veins on the legs in men

Varicose veins – a serious chronic disease of the peripheral vessels. Its origin and development many factors contribute: worth the work, excessive physical stress, smoking, pregnancy, diabetes, liver disease, genetic predisposition. Pathology is the reduction of tone the walls of veins and capillaries, which leads to stagnation of venous blood, local swelling, inflammation, and trophic defeat of the skin, but what is most important, to thrombosis – the formation of a solid clot of blood. These clots can cause blockage of the blood vessels in the limb with the further necrosis of tissue, but it can and get into the general bloodstream and penetrate you anywhere – chylopericardium blood vessels, brain or heart. In recent cases appears a real threat of life.

treatment of varicose veins in men

Varicose disease in men and women

According to statistics, varicose veins of the lower limbs is somewhat more common in the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. The fault of this timeless women's purpose – pregnancy and motherhood. In bearing the child's body is experiencing a serious load, which also has an impact on the condition of the blood circulation. However, women very vividly relate to the condition of their legs and at the first appearance of veins, spider veins, and the more pronounced the veins, try not to take action, and run to the doctor-phlebologist. As a result, this disease will be stopped in the early stages.

Otherwise, it is a man. In most cases, varicose veins on the legs, in men at the time of treatment to the doctor is located on the very running stage. Yes, pregnancy men, until they happen, but they have a list of specific "male" factors, which are able to determine the emergence and development of this unpleasant disease:

  • standing and sedentary work, in particular in the low momentum of the lower extremities;
  • service in the army and home affairs;
  • intense exercise and sports activity;
  • hunting, fishing, tourism and other kinds of active vacation, accompanied by frequent hypothermia.

Purely men's risk factors – smoking strong tobacco smoking and consumption of beverages with a high content of ethanol. Nicotine contributes to the disruption of the function of peripheral blood vessels. Alcohol as well affects the liver cells are responsible for production of enzymes, which prevents formation of blood clots and dissolve already educated clots. The stronger in men addicted to alcohol and tobacco, the higher is the risk of developing varicose veins, and the more dangerous its complications.

But the main negative factor that complicates the treatment of varicose veins on the legs in men – it is durable neglect patients must be treated. Men firmly believe that varicose veins – this is one of many female whims, on which a real macho didn't pay attention. Everything ends only when the skin form of healing ulcers and may help at least the operation resection of the affected vein. When it is quite clear that doctors will be able to just dissect the tip of the iceberg, and that the pathology has touched a significantly larger plot of land. Wonder, in one degree or another all the blood vessels in the legs and after the surgery a person needs to long and hard to enforce and treated to prevent new manifestations of the disease, often much more serious and lead to amputation, disability, and then also fatal due to blockage of a large blood clot vital blood vessels.

Symptoms of varicose disease of the legs

In the initial stages of varicose veins in men do not differ from varicose veins in women. On the skin appear vascular asterisks, ok, it becomes uneven patent. Decreases sensitivity, it appears local is not strong pain and hypothermia, often arise painful cramps in the calves and thighs. Towards the evening of the tibia strongly swollen, especially if the patient must stand or sit long in one position. The swelling subsides during sleep. In places the swelling often manifested by alopecia – the cessation of hair growth.

With the passage of time the unpleasant phenomena are on palpation and looking become visible subcutaneous vein hillocks and balls. If they do nothing, the skin is thinner and formed trophic ulcers, it is very difficult to treat and the full development of severe infectious lesions of the skin (various inflammations), soft tissues (cellulitis) and general infection of the blood (sepsis). These risks are not naturally remove the danger of thrombosis, which has been said above.

symptoms of varicose veins

If a person does not go to the doctors

Even the most courageous and confident men very often afraid to go to the doctor-phlebologist. Some are shy its supposedly "female" disease, others are ashamed to show the doctor, what drove his own body, the signature, therefore, in your own cowardice. Someone just shows a failure, considering that varicose veins in men on legs – the disease is not fatal and it is better to situation to the extreme, and then all of a sudden cure all for the help of modern laser coagulation ("or how is this operation called, doctor?"). Unfortunately, about the fact that the treatment itself affected veins will not save all the others we have already said.

If a person finds the strength to go to the doctor, it is necessary to at least begin to treat large varicose veins folk remedies at home. Let's just say now: full recovery, especially if the disease process has gone far enough, is this treatment will. How help app massively sold in pharmacies gels and ointments from varicose veins.

However, certain positive effect of the use of folk remedies, you will definitely have and negative side effects for drugs from the "green pharmacy", is much smaller than for drugs of synthetic. The more that many drugs, the recommended "official" medicine, created on the basis of folk recipes.

Folk recipes in varicose veins

Most of the remedies of the folk medicine suggest for outdoor use only. The exception is perhaps only apple cider vinegar – is unique in its effectiveness of the remedy, which when used properly, beat varicose veins in men in the early stages.

Vinegar apple cider

Vinegar from apple in itself contains a unique combination of vitamins a, C and group B, organic acids (acidic, citric, lactic acid), amino acids and trace elements, which contribute to the restoration of the walls of blood vessels and improving the trophism of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. At the same time the vinegar has antibacterial and fungicidal effects and heals inflammatory processes and fungal diseases of the inevitably emerging on the varicose leg due to the reduction of local immunity.

Apple cider vinegar is used orally and topically. For ingestion in a glass of warm water taking two tablespoons of vinegar and a tablespoon of honey. A mixture of drunk a sip before a meal.


Apple cider vinegar is not to be taken orally in the running stage of varicose veins, as it supports the thrombosis!

Locally the tool is used as compresses and wraps. It is necessary to observe measures to cause burns to the skin sheets and the reaction of the allergy. Compress superimposed on the 30-40 minutes while the patient should lie horizontally, with elevated feet. On top of the soaked in vinegar marley wound polyethylene.

Where to take apple cider vinegar with varicose veins?

Apple cider vinegar can be purchased in the store or the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. For this a fee of 1 kg of apples and crushed them in a blender. Into the mass add 50 g of granulated sugar, 20 g bread, 10 g of dried yeast. The weight should travel at least 6 weeks. Then put it on 30% diluted with water and through a filter to filter it into a container. It is possible and very quick way – without the bread, and yeast. Such express-vinegar insist 2 weeks.

folk remedies from varicose veins

Medicinal herbs and fees

Good effect in the treatment of varicose veins in men put these funds on the basis of medicinal plants:

  • a spirituous extract of horse chestnut. Apply for grinding the feet and lower limbs;
  • herbal infusions from oak leaf, nettle, knotweed, succession. They are used for compresses, baths, taken in the form of decoctions inside,
  • the infusion of the bark of the oak. It helps as an astringent and antiseptic agent in the formation of venous ulcers;
  • alcohol tincture of kalanchoe – used for everyday grinding for 2-3 weeks.

In the treatment of varicose veins folk remedies, which contain as the extract with ethanol, it is necessary to proceed carefully and not to cause burns to the skin. Naturally, it is necessary to avoid ingestion of alcohol tinctures in above the recommended dose. Many plants overdose may give adverse effect, and cause poisoning.

Traditions, customs and varicose veins

How should a man treat his disease, he should realize that men's bad habits sometimes worsen the condition of the patients legs. In particular, it is a smoking area. However, consumption of alcohol, which leads first to a sharp expansion of blood vessels, and then to their narrowing, too much is not conducive to healing.

When varicose veins no need to abuse the sauna, steam bath, winter fishing and winter swimming. Abnormal temperatures cause direct damage to the affected veins and skin cover. It is necessary to think about changing your job, associated with the constant search for that on the legs (builders, craftsmen are universal machine tools, controllers) or in a fixed sitting position (drivers-truckers). It is necessary to forget about the pursuit of power, running for long distances.

To reduce the harm, caused to the feet, helps to therapeutic physical training. Its aim is to strengthen the outflow of venous blood and the total blood circulation in the capillaries. Is the need for production gymnastics, and the lessons after a hard day. In general, the more a man suffering from enlargement of the veins on the feet, will in the spare time to be in a horizontal position and keep your feet above the level of the body, the better. In this case, the "sofa" lifestyle, oddly enough, it will only benefit.

Prevention of varicose veins in men

If a man has a genetic predisposition to varicose veins or risk earning as a professional disease, to him it is worth also to revise your diet. Refrain not only from alcohol, but from all the food, aggravating the status of the liver cells, which increase blood cholesterol, which reduce the vascular tone, How would nor was it difficult, one must give up the bold, sharp, salty, smoked. The basis of the diet should be lean meats, seafood, vegetables, unsweetened fruit, cottage cheese.

Many men are skeptical about vegetarianism, believing such a way of life unworthy representative of the stronger sex. However, studies have shown that the rejection of animal foods greatly reduces the risk of developing varicose veins. The choice is a matter of each.

It is important correctly to pick up clothes and shoes, especially if you have flat feet, or just your own two feet. Narrow uncomfortable shoes – the first step in varicose disease of the legs.


In that case, if cure varicose veins folk remedies still does not fail, it is necessary to commit a strong-willed effort, and seek medical help. At the appointed time and carried out the treatment, a compression garment or surgical treatment can help you avoid the serious consequences of running varicose veins in men.