Varicose veins of the small pelvis in women

varicose veins of the small pelvis in women

Varicose veins of the small pelvis in women (ectasia, parameters, dilation or phlebostasis) are triggered by this condition due to the reverse flow of blood in the ovarian artery, which appears due to vascular compression.

The intensification of the development of the disease is pregnancy.

Internal varicose veins of the small pelvis result in severe and prolonged pain in the lower abdomen.

In the literature, varicose veins of the small pelvis are also designated by the terms "pelvic venous congestion syndrome", "varicocele in women", "chronic pelvic pain syndrome".

In the overwhelming majority of cases (80%), varicose transformation affects the ovarian veins and is extremely rare (1%) seen in the veins of the broad ligament of the uterus.

According to modern medical approaches, treatment of MTV should be carried out not so much from the point of view of gynecology, but first of all from the point of view of phlebology.

The causes of the appearance of pathology

Most often, ectasia of the pelvic veins is determined in women. In addition, as a rule, this disease in gynecology is diagnosed in patients aged 20-40 years.

Often, patients with varicose veins of the small pelvis first try to perform treatment at home. Traditional methods, used without the advice and recommendations of a doctor, can lead to the development of negative side effects. Therefore, after some time you need to see a phlebologist for a consultation.

The main factors that lead to the appearance of this pathology include:

  1. Excessively increased physical activity.
  2. Passive lifestyle.
  3. Congenital diseases of the walls of blood vessels - weakening, plasticity, underdevelopment.
  4. Inflammation process in the pelvic organs.
  5. Hormonal imbalance.

Pathology of the sexual level - anorgasmia, pain and the appearance of discomfort during intercourse, which has a psychological etiology of the onset, while very often they practice interrupted sexual contact.

varicose veins on the leg with varicose veins of the small pelvis

At the same time, varicose veins of the small pelvis, the treatment and symptoms of this disease are similar to varicose veins in the legs. In this situation, the valves in the veins begin to disrupt the work of the valves which help blood flow to the heart muscle.

Dysfunction of the valves appears, which act as a protection against reverse blood flow.

If their work is interrupted, stagnation of blood begins in the veins. The blood-filled veins increase in size, which further increases the phenomenon of stagnation.

Pelvic venous congestion usually occurs near the vulva, fallopian tubes, uterine region, and can even dilate the veins in the vagina.

First signs and symptoms

A number of basic clinical symptoms indicate the development of varicose veins. The most important of the signs of this disease is unreasonable pain in the lower abdomen, in the pelvic region, often they begin to radiate to the perineum or to the lumbar region. The patient is also annoyed by the profuse discharge of mucus from the vagina, especially in the middle of the monthly cycle.

In addition to the main symptoms, there are also other very important symptoms of varicose veins:

pain in the lower abdomen with varicose veins of the small pelvis
  1. In some cases, infertility is noted in women.
  2. Dysmenorrhea. Manifestation of pain during menstruation.
  3. Noticeable passage of premenstrual symptoms.
  4. Irradiation of pain in the groin, lower back and sacrum.
  5. A symptom of dyspareunia (the manifestation of a feeling of discomfort in the vagina or vulva, both during intercourse and after its completion).
  6. Manifestation of a painful crisis (as a result of severe hypothermia of the body, excessive physical fatigue, psycho-emotional stress).
  7. The appearance of pain in the abdomen after prolonged overload (dynamic or static).

Faced with this clinical symptomatology, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, because this pathology can have a large number of unpleasant complications:

  • varicose veins can be a contraindication to natural childbirth;
  • the work of the reproductive organs is disturbed;
  • there is a fear of sexual contact;
  • irritability and anxiety appear.

It must also be said that all the above symptoms can be expressed in different ways, in some patients all the signs of the disease are noted, and in some only a few of them.

Methods of diagnosing the disease

To make the correct diagnosis, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination. If a woman complains of pain that appears for some unknown reason, the specialist first of all determines all the reasons that are factors in the manifestation of the pain symptom. The patient's lower limbs are carefully examined. So you can identify the manifestation of varicose veins. In some situations, a diagnosis is made by a vascular doctor.

ultrasound diagnosis of pelvic varices

The main diagnostic methods are:

  1. Ultrasound of the venous system. The examination examines tortuosity and varicose veins.
  2. Laparoscopy. Determine the varicose veins in the ovarian region.
  3. CT. It allows to exclude the disease, to identify varicose veins in the ovaries and uterus, to see the enlargement on the monitor, as well as their tortuosity.
  4. Selective ovarycography. The most precise examination. It is performed by injecting a contrast product into the subclavian and femoral veins.
  5. Doppler ultrasound. Determines in the veins of the ovaries and uterus a decrease in the systolic rate of the process.

The use of these methods makes it possible to better identify the symptoms of the disease.

Diplomas and differential approach

To standardize the diagnosis and the possibility of a differential treatment approach, A. E. Volkov divided the varicose veins, taking into account the place of formation of venous ectasia and the size of the dilated vessels.

Three stages of this disease are classified:

  • the first stage - "corkscrew" movement of the vessel, the size of the vein does not exceed 6 mm;
  • the second stage - the size of the vein does not exceed 7-11 mm during the total type of varicose veins, VR of arcuate veins of the uterine plexus, VR of parametric veins, loose ectasia of the ovarian plexus;
  • the third stage - the size of the vein is more than 11 mm during the main form of parametric training or total type of VR.

Considering the severity of the pathological process, you can use drug or surgical methods of treatment.

Methods of treating varicose veins

In stages 1-2 of varicose disease, conservative methods of treatment are most often used (corrective gymnastics, NPS drugs, venotonics).

gymnastics with varicose veins of the small pelvis

Conservative treatment during venous congestion syndrome is symptomatic, which includes the normalization of rest and physical activity, which excludes excessive active loads and prolonged standing.

When the patient is diagnosed with varicose veins, treatment procedures are primarily aimed at performing the following tasks:

  1. Relief of symptoms of bleeding, pain, etc.
  2. Restoration of venous tone, increased blood circulation in the tissues.
  3. Stopping the reverse blood flow in the venous system of the ovaries.

It should be understood that even very high-quality therapy for this pathology will not completely cure varicose veins.

However, adequate treatment will prevent the main clinical symptoms and significantly improve the patient's condition.

The treatment of EMCT consists of several main components:

  1. Regular medical gymnastics exercises to prevent the onset of the disease.
  2. Course of use of drugs during an exacerbation.

Conservative treatment of affected veins

Due to the internal localization of the veins infected with the pathology, drugs are used orally, it is simply impossible to apply ointments and venous gels.

During this disease, the following drugs are used:

  1. Horse chestnut extract - to relieve inflammation and swelling.
  2. On the basis of diosmin - to get rid of high vascular elasticity, prevent damage, reduce permeability.
  3. Vitamin C - strengthens vascular walls.

Doctors advise to combine conservative therapy with exercise therapy, as well as the use of compression underwear. Compression garments are especially necessary during pregnancy.

Surgical intervention

varicose veins surgery of the small pelvis

Surgical intervention is an extreme method of treatment, which is used if the disease is at a very advanced stage and there is a hypothesis of RV of the veins.

The surgical intervention is chosen taking into account the location of the main disruption of the veins and involves the following interventions:

  • crossectomy operation - is also used for diseases of the veins of the legs;
  • ligation of a vein in the genitals (usually performed simultaneously with perineal miniflebectomy);
  • ligation of the ovarian vein.

If an operation is necessary, the choice of suitable manipulations is quite individual, since everything will depend on the location of varicose veins.

Exercise and remedial gymnastics

exercises for varicose veins of the small pelvis

If we consider the necessary physical exercises, then women during this disease should do at least one of the exercises every day - "birch", "bicycle", "scissors".

A contrast shower in the pelvic area and breathing exercises are also very helpful. At the same time, correctly and efficiently performed gymnastics is the fastest way to return to a healthy and normal life.

The simplest but effective exercises are:

  1. Lying on your back, raise your legs, then bend and raise as high as possible. The exercise is done about 10 times.
  2. Supine position, stretch your legs, then, bending down, pull towards the chest. Run at least 10 times.
  3. For half an hour you will have to walk around the room. First - on the toes, then - on the heels, after - raising the knees as high as possible.
  4. Lying on your stomach, take turns raising your legs. In the maximum position, the leg should be fixed for a few seconds. At least 7 approaches for each leg.

Recipes and folk remedies

Varicose veins can be treated at home.

decoction of dandelion roots with varicose veins of the small pelvis

The most famous and common folk treatment methods:

  1. Infusion of horse chestnut.
  2. Tincture of Kombucha.
  3. Dandelion root tincture.
  4. Treatment with leeches, which are applied to the tailbone and sacral region.

Diet has an important role in the treatment of varicose veins. The daily diet should be balanced and contain sufficient fiber and natural proteins.

Preventive actions

It is also necessary to use a few simple tricks that serve to prevent MTV. In addition, if they are constantly observed, they can also improve the general condition of the organism:

  1. Exercise every day.
  2. Use special tights for the treatment.
  3. Add more vegetables to your daily diet. Avoid foods that cause constipation.
  4. During sedentary work, take breaks, you need to walk at least 10 minutes every two hours.
  5. Do not abuse alcohol or smoke.
  6. Do not take hormonal drugs out of control.
  7. After surgery for VVMT, you should take prophylactic doses of drugs prescribed by your doctor.

Possible forecast

If the varicose vein disease is not treated at all, then after some time the veins begin to grow even more (by 90%), this threatens with serious side effects, including thrombosis. In the remaining 10% of patients with varicose veins, in which they appeared after pregnancy, the disease does not progress to a more severe stage, but it never goes away on its own.

If you start the treatment of a pathology, you can achieve a full recovery (15-25%, taking into account the severity) or a significant improvement (55-60%), especially in the case of the simultaneous combination ofoperative and conservative methods. But, one way or another, after complex therapy, lifelong prophylaxis should be carried out, which consists of adhering to a correct lifestyle, regular medication or compressive support of the veins.